Thursday, January 8, 2015

What is Participatory/Relational Art?

     Participatory art can be summarized as the collection of messages not fully representing the artist as an individual. In this manner it is not the artist sole outlook that is represented in the subject but rather a broad message that encompasses much more than a single ideology. For example lets say an artist paints a mural of the community representing both the beauty and hardship this specific community experiences. In this way the community itself is participating as a subject and allows a much broader range of ideas as a whole rather than one single idea acquainted to the artist. In this way the artist can create social attachment to the audience. The viewer or spectator takes an active participation in the piece both through physical and philosophical outlets. This type of art has relational aesthetics which is where the term relational art is used. relational goes along the same lines as participatory in the theme of including the spectator within the piece. This kind of artistry is seen in community art and other forms in which the credibility can be given to the spectators. The benefit to this art style is the connections it can build over a wide range of philosophies. It is very effective at encompassing 
such a large number of ideologies or groups to be represented. Many modern artist have taken advantage of this type of viewer artist relation that certain mediums can be enhanced such as sculptures. Contrasting this art style many critics have put forth almost the contradicting view that because it represents the masses or multiple themes, it takes away from the singular artist impact. With a shared piece it takes away from the artist credibility and strength in conveying a striking idea on its own. Personally this type of Neo-Marxist outlook on art has both the advantages and disadvantages of proposing a single idea. I feel that since the spectator has the ability to change the meaning of the art from each individual it relies on its ability to relate to a wide range for effect rather than a single theme put forward by the artist alone. 
art source:
By: Robert Lopez II

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