Thursday, January 8, 2015

What is Media Art?

Generally media refers to forms of mass communication such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and the internet. Media also refers to the way in which art is realized, such as through technology or physically like with a painting. Rapid technological development means that new media art is a constantly changing category.
Technology takes over art

One of the consequences of this rapid development is the possibility of the media to continue creating to become obsolete. While some artists dislike the idea of art becoming more up to date, there are those that embrace arts steps into the world of technology. One such artist is Philippe Parreno who made "Anywhere Out of the World":

Before the age of technology, coal use to be considered media art technically, however now that we have advanced we consider television and photography to be new media art. The advancement of technology really delegates whether an art piece can be considered part of New Media Art.

By: Samantha Lassiter

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