Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Exercises for Rebel Artists: pages 30-38

Pocha workshops engage actively in the politics of documentation
          -certain questions should be asked before beginning photography or video documentation
          -the discussion of these questions takes place on day three

Pocha workshops often extend into the social life of the group
          -informal gatherings should take place which can spark creativity
          -this also helps the group to bond with one another

Retrieved from: http://dailytwocents.com/never-talk-about-these-things-during-an-informal-business-gathering/

Pocha workshops involve a critical component
          -the creative process should be analyzed as a group
          -analyzing with the group allows for a sense of identity and clarity
          -this also allows the group to work out any problems between themselves or the piece

Retrieved from: http://driverlayer.com/img/analyze/140/image

A final note
          -don't do drugs before attending the workshop (save them for another time)

Important notes to participants when the goal of the workshop is to create a full production
          -there are other roles for people than just performing but they should do the same exercises as the performers
          -the artists, producers, and participants decide who will perform with up to 75% of the participants being performers
          -everyone has there own assigned job to do and they all come together to make up the full performance
          -the group of performers and those not performing work together by overlapping at first and then later on they work hand in hand

Retrieved from: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-07-28/performers-dance-during-opening-ceremony/4160994

Performance exercises, rituals, and games to cross borders
          -performance mode: "a heightened awareness of present time paired with a sense of total body performativity".
          -it is important to be able to gather and control your energy
          -there are physical, perceptual, poetic, conceptual, and creative exercises
          -these exercises help the group to bond more closely as well as develop performance vocabulary, a high level of trust, and an understanding of each member

Retrieved from: http://thephoenix.com/boston/arts/133076-thespian-games-at-the-theater-project/

By; Samantha Lassiter

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