Thursday, January 15, 2015

Exercises for Rebel Artists: Pages 71 - 86

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The Aikido/ Chess Game
            - History: not about winning but responding to specific challenges and moves
            - Instructions: involves two people and two chairs placed five feet apart; gaze into each other’s eyes for two minutes then physically communicate taking turns using gestures; after 15 minutes, reflect with your partner
            - Meaning: “exploring weight and tension, push and pull”

Poetic Instructions
            - Objective: introductions in a unique, poetic way
            - Instructions: the group gathers in a circle; introduce yourself one at a time in an imaginative, creative, and memorable fashion

Poetic Exquisite Corpse
            - History: used to broaden views and keep open minds on personal ideals
            - Instructions: everyone contributes in developing a vocal chant poem by proposing and completing one another’s statements

Today’s Question
            - Objective: trigger others’ imagination and mental imagery
            - Instructions: ask rhetorical questions to one another

The Spectrum
            - Objective: acknowledge and accept others’ different sensitive issues, identity, political view, religion, race, age, and background
            - Instructions: the participants must imagine a number line from 1 to 10, from one point of the room to the opposing; they are presented with extreme ideals and asked to stand on a point on the invisible line to the extent to which they agree, disagree, or are neutral to; after each question, discuss every person’s view of that question
            - Meaning: “It humanizes the process.”

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By: Bretten James

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