Thursday, January 8, 2015

What is Modern and Contemporary Art?

Modern Art is art theory and practice. It also refers to the period of time which begins with the Enlightenment. Contemporary Ar refers to something more recent as with art made by artists who are still living. Contemporary Art is a mixture between art and other cultural experiences such as television. Modern Art includes styles such as cubism, fauvism, abstraction, futurism, constructivism, etc. Each of these was adopted due to politics, society, or current events happening during that time (1860-1970). These changes allowed for more experimentation to occur with artists.

When was Modernism?
At one point all art was modern. However, for artwork to be considered modernism it must look a certain way. There is no definite way to tell exactly when modernism began.

How is Modernism?
Modern must not only be seen as a time, but also as an attitude. To be understood, modern art msyt be seen as art about art and not the traditional way.
"Jug" by William Scott

Defining Modernism
Modernism gives form to the time and place it was made, what it is made up of, and the way in which it was created.

Contemporary Art comes close to modern art. Debate has risen as to how to define contemporary art with some critics stating that the edginess of magazines is such. Linda Weintraus writes "contemporary art embraces the maverick and the traditionalist... no topic, no medium, no process, no intention, no professional protocols, and no aesthetic principles are exempt from the field of art."

Themes in Contemporary Art
          Refer to artists working in groups of people who come from different communities.
          Takes place in different and particular places and is specific to those places.
"The Missing Voice" by Janet Cardiff
          Contemporary can be seen in movies as well.
          Makes the observer ask about not just the meaning, but the experience of the art piece.

By: Samantha Lassiter

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