Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Exercises for Rebel Artists: Pages 39-54

"Hands-On" Physical And Perceptual Exercises

Physical warm-ups and stretching 
       Objectives:The point is to get participants' bold and energy flowing, to make them sweat, and to stimulate endorphins in the body. It is the first session of the day each day with stretches from yoga, dance, and theater.
art by: pintrest

The monkey-breathing dance 
       Objectives:It starts after the end of the warm-up with kinetic breathing and high-enery e;electro music. This will help increase focus within the group and continues to build energy. 
        Instructions:Begin by forming a circle then slowly bounce up and down with the rhythm of the music without moving your feet. While doing this connect your breathing with your bouncing.
        Variations:Once your group has reached the dancing stage break the circle and dance around the space on your own, in duets or larger groups.
art by: quazoo.com

Working in the dark to become familiar with your new peers and with a new space 
          Objectives: to become more aware of and familiar with your partners and be more connected through voice and feeling with a decrease in vision.
           Instructions: start by exercises that involve touching and the use of perception without good lines of sight. start with common voice instruction and continue with more complex instruction such as one person leads another through the dark.
           Variation: have fun with it, the darker the level of light the more the group must rely on other perceptual levels. play with the darkness, the key is to spend timed in low-light simply interacting.
art by. kpwop.wordpress.com
by: Robert Lopez

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