Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present; pages 59-74

Cabaret Voltaire
          <Janco made masks that were effective and had a sensational effect
          <Hennings made new works daily
          <Ball invented a new species of "verse without words"

Retrieved from: http://www.dada-companion.com/cabaret/

          <Dada was coined by Ball and Huelsenbeck for the singer Madame le Roy which means "yes yes" in Rumanian
          <Ephraim (the owner of the cabaret) told them that he would shut it down if they could not draw in bigger crowds
          <after five months, Cabaret Voltaire closed

Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dada

Dada: magazine and gallery
          <Dada went public on July 14, 1916
          <Ball and Tzara opened up Galerie Dada which exhibited Der Sturm paintings
          <the Galerie Dada lasted only eleven weeks after three large-scale exhibitions, several lectures, and demonstrations
          <Ball left for the Alps and Huelsenbeck left for Berlin

Huelsenbeck in Berlin
          <he returned to close the cabaret
          <Huelsenbeck focused on Dada and its meaning which began to take on a new tone in Germany
          <Huelsenbeck proclaimed his ideas to the people of Berlin while also taking on a focus of the war which led to provocation
          <Huelsenbeck presented the second Dada Soiree
          <with Dada in Berlin, it threatened to banish Expressionism and establish itself as an abstract art
          <Berlin changed Dada, adding a more aggressive approach to it
          <Dada reigned supreme but began coming to an end around 1920 (which was during the time of the First International Dada Fair)

Retrieved from: http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/2006/dada/artists/huelsenbeck.shtm

Dada in New York and Barcelona
          <Tzara held in his hands Dada's last years in Zurich
          <Picabia was a main person during the time Dada was popular in New York and Barcelona (even Tzara welcomed him warmly)

Dada's end in Zurich
          <on April 9, 1919 the final Dada soiree in Zurich took place
          <Tzara needed a fresh place for Dada to be introduced and planned on going to Paris, he thought Dada needed fresh eyes, so he went to Paris

BY: Samantha Lassiter

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