Thursday, January 8, 2015

What is Conceptual Art & Installation Art?

      Conceptual art is a practice that allows artists to ignore emphasis on a physical object, in order to focus time and energy on their concept or idea. Utilizing language and text for their ideas to stray from the mystifying visuals of artistic productions. This technique allows for an interpretation of words to express messages or influence individuals who come across the art. Messages such as feminism, anti-war movements, and activism that are occurring in everyday life. Thus bringing about an awareness or emphasis to a different section of society, as well as containing a moment in time for future awareness. For example John Baldessari's work that is all text describing how to analyze a piece of artistic work thus creating a more interesting artwork rather than a visually stimulating one.

Another example would be Cildo Meireles' work that redistributes coca-cola bottles with subversive messages allowing for a more influential piece of work.

      These examples are forms of art due to the artistic argument that the idea is conjoined with an artistic material such as instruction,sketch or a photograph. This allows conceptual art to be just about anything as said by other artist such as Tony Godfrey, Sol Liwitt, and Henry Flynt. Godfrey says "It cannot be defined in terms of any medium or style, but rather by the way it questions what art is in particular.". While Liwitt explains "Conceptual art is not necessarily logical. Most ideas that are successful are ludicrously simple.". These explanations allow for audiences to have a better understanding of how and why conceptual art works. As well as creating a new question to the art is it interesting?

      Installation art is a form of art that was influenced by conceptual art in the 1960's and 1970's. It is the combination of objects and the environment around those objects that make up the art itself. Since it is influenced by conceptual art the art itself is focused less on visual and more on a separate aspect. Although instead of text and language installation art draws on the senses and interaction with the piece giving multiple points of view in which to understand the art. For example Rachel Whiteread's work with stacked boxes that came from inspiration of a box her mother had.

Although with the rise of technology installation art developed a new approach with video and film that subverts how to experience video or film while in a set environment.Such as Sonia Falcone's work in 2010 in this video here.

      Which allows for a more immersive and stunning way of presenting installation art. What installation art truly is can be very broad. However, with its ability to adapt and the variety it provides with its employment in different environments indoors and outdoors gives it a unique approach.
By: Kyle Woods

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