Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Metaphorical thinking

Metaphorical thinking
by Robert Lopez

     the images shown will be given different meanings beyond their contextual meaning. They will be described as how they reflect upon my own personal meaning. Metaphors will be used among other devices in order to describe each item.

Picture 1

     This image represents a symbol of emotions or value. common context a playing card with high value. the heart is the visual emotions through mainstream shape and form as its understood. ex: valentines day
the king can only be beaten by an ace at face value. symbol of regalia.
Picture 2

     The small chest from the back. it is claimed treasure but i am not greedy enough to actually open it. i grew up playing video games so this has always been an attention notice upon finding it. its as if i can still hear the mystifying sound upon just a look one look of the treasure. 
Picture 3

     Danger, its obviously a handgun.engraved and brazen with its signature chrome. my shadow being behind the handle. a six shooter that has intimidation value. little kids play with these all the time.
Picture 4

     I pledge loyalty to this flag. I am proud of the rights this symbol represents. also a good decorative item.
Picture 5

     Cash money, looks like 70 to me. reference Pink Floyd for an audio cue. its laying on a seat comforter. bent money is legal money. getting money, any american wants this, other places will take it. US has a trademark design. often referred to as the rout of all evil.
Picture 6
     Inception, this is like trying to photograph behind a photograph. i think it would be a fun to get a picture at the exact moment in time. physically light will never be exact so its irrelevant to try. a legit picture of the picture in real time.
Picture 7 
       Consumables. looks like real produce but its not, its fake, the world is surprisingly candied, defeats the purpose. banana yes, carrots, apples. gun in the back for random effect.
Picture 8
     lion-head mask. i like it, lions head, id wear it and claim kingdom, Lions rule wherever mentioned. chief of the animal kingdom the lion makes its existence by killing off other top game. i like to imagine all cats being evolutionary similar. i like cats. i want to use this in an act if i ever have to next time.
Picture 9

     video tape me, this old camera i brought just to see if it maybe worked. ascetic value enhanced none the less.
Picture 10
     A brass knuckle, lawfully illegal in California its a misdemeanor. To me this is violence in a more physical shape as its purely for offensive capabilities. great for design, reminds me of using it video gaming. 

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