Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present pg:7-24

Performance Art : From Futurism to the Present
By: Roselee Goldberg, Robert Lopez

     How to describe art. this problem is the inherent problem to the concept of art. How can one describe a visual culture that will manipulate the emotions of the audience. successful art is what can change a frame of mind across any culture of people. Art seems to bring together the culture of those that take in the visual feeling of what we are seeing. Imagery and description gives me a clear idea of Goldberg appeal to the meaning. The art of being unexplained to the visual eyes to capture and make the audience feel a sense of emotion. explaining art through metaphorical means is not very possible or easy to me. As a scientist i see things as behaviors and reaction times, to semblance to a visual aid.Goldberg brings a very changing style of art through the time period.
     Once we understand that art as a visual appeal is at a mission to mystify the viewer we can break down the visual elements and work them around. Futurism as presented can be summarized by the following. Futurism is characterized as art that uses patterns of interest through the technique in which it is applied. the method in which its created is meant to glorify shocking themes and leaving a lasting afterthought as the viewer takes in the subject. many times I view Futurism art and leave in bewilderment as the modern shapes and patterns are striking. the fact that it doesn't make sense at face value glorifies the after emotion of the modern revolution.
     the following will be images taken from each time frame or at least up to the changes at futurism becomes a form. unlike impressionism this art form wasn't recognized as a distinctive style initially.

the Weaver
This piece by Natalia Goncharova is a futurist piece using edges and round concepts together.

Also this piece by Luigi De Giudici 

Although many Russian artist techniques made great evolution on the art scene they're art is later discussed in detail.

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