Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Exercises for Rebel Artists: Pages 21 - 29

The Prop and Costume Station
            - Interesting props and costumes can simply be found at places such as thrift shops, second hand stores, souvenir shops, and collectables stores.

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The Hospitality and Rest Station
            - It is good to note that actors and artists must have a stage area and a “rest” area made specifically to come back to themselves but not come away from the work space.

            - Visitors and guests are meant to be welcomed to a performance practice.
            - Outsiders provide a positive impact on individual insight, actor comfort, and constructive criticism.

Pocha Workshops are Wonderfully Intense and Bizarre
            - Pocha workshops are very explicitly styled and are meant to be uncomfortable.
            - Their works involve a multitude of races, sexualities, and cultural backgrounds of the mind and body.
            - “We are not here to direct [the audience]. Rather, we allow them to assume responsibility for themselves and find their own place within the world we are all creating together.”

Pocha Workshops Foster Punctuality and Commitment
            - Performances should be made with people you trust and are committed fully to the art.

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Pocha Workshops are Physically Strenuous
            - Performances are physically challenging, not pushing performers beyond their breaking point, but maintaining the body into positions that are not typically used.

Pocha Workshops are like Live Performance Sketchbooks
            - Performances are mentally significant and can enhance the performers’ thoughts and motives.

By: Bretten James

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