Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present: Pages 25-42

Synthetic theater
      - Started in 1915 by Futurist Synthesis Theater, synthetic theater is a theatrical act that compiles actions,words, and other full length theatrical acts into a brief couple of minutes.
      - The acts use very brief concepts such as feelings, objects, or ideas and make that an act for example Marinetti's Synthesis Feet was just a curtain raised to the waist of an individual to show only an act of their legs and feet.
      - The Futurists ignored the need to explain their work to the minds of the crowd.

Retrieved from: http://web.mit.edu 

      - Included in the manifesto of Synthetic theater this idea was importation from suggestive actuality and revealing actuality.
      - These acts were created within hours, minutes or seconds in order to capture confusion and separate it self from realistic theater.
      - These acts usually involved the audience through planted actors creating a reaction and sensation with the piece and audience itself. Such as Mario Dessy's Madness where there was an attempt to create sensations of madness into the audience as the actors on stage became mad one after the other.

Later Futurist activities
      - In 1921 Marinetti and Canguiullo create a new synthesis company called The theater of surprise and go on tour to Naples, Rome, Palermo, Florence, and many other places with only fifteen workers in 1921.
      - Then in 1924 the New Futurist Theater was organized and gained forty workers using a low buget to their advantage of improvised theater and including the audience.
      - Marinetti was able to touch on avery form of art with synthesis theater and reached his dream of having a "drunk" act.

Russian Futurism and Construction
      - Once the rise of Marinetti's work reached Russia it gave the Russians a new form of art that strayed from their past. 
      - Thus giving rise to artists such as David Burlyuk and Vladimir Mayakovsky who began to spring up in to recognition through Futurist art.
The Stray Dog Cafe and Victory Over the Sun
      - Burlyuk and Mayakovsky began their new art in a cafe called The Stray Dog Cafe where manifestos were read leading to violent scuffles.
      - Later the duo began work in public walking the streets with faces painted and and unusual fashion. 
      - After establishing a recognition with futurist art Mayakovsky started working on a tragedy in 1913 called Victory Over the Sun in which he gained non actor auditions to play in his piece and many gladly came to be apart of the futurist.
      - The piece was a celebration of his own poetic genius where the characters of male gender represented himself.
      - Victory Over the Sun allowed for new directions of artist style to become formed.

Forger and the renaissance of the circus
      - Mayakovsky was able to bring together painters and poets opening up many avenues for art during the first World War which lead to an assortment of different artists and their works.
      - The rising number of artists gave birth to new types of art groups such as Rayonnists, Constructivists, and anti-activists. Thus creating a variety of different art models that were used by the variety of young artist.
      - Nikolai Foreggar was the catalyst for the variety of obsessions after being a former apprentice of a theater. He began constructing his own pieces by breaking down traditional elements of French art.
      - The works were performed in a circus but also held up a theater aspect with Foreggar almost combining the two together 
      - Later Foreggar created a new form of art called Mechanistic art that began to be questioned as anti-Soviet and pornographic, but seen as an aesthetic more then ethical performance.

Revolutionary performances
      - Following Foreggar artists and playwrights preferred the propaganda machine to comprehend politics and life styles of the revolution.
      - Soon many were projected images and posters to demonstrate slogans and ideas of the society during the revolution.
      -The emergence of mass demonstrations began to arise even after the revolution to mark its anniversary that involved reenactments of the events and battles. 

By: Kyle Woods

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