Thursday, January 15, 2015

Exercises for Rebel Artists; pages 87-98

The Zapatista Inspired Town Meeting

History and Objectives
          <the point is to provide a space in which people are able to work through their problems, whether it be that they are too shy or that they are too loud, in a creative manner
          <split the whole group into smaller groups and talk through these issues with one person being a moderator and one being the documentor
          <after the discussion join into one full group again and let the documentor describe what they perceived during the conversations (each performer should listen and apply said notes to themselves respectively)

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Discussing the Implications of Video and Photographic Documentation

          <the instructor speaks to the full group about the importance and risks of video and photographic documentation while the group gives their own input
          <some topics to be discussed include ownership and copyright
          <the group must decide as a whole what they want to allow and rules regarding such things (such as cameras)

Pulling Performances Out of a Hat

History and Objectives
          <the exercises encourage the group to think about interpretation and subjectivity
          <the performers are to take some time to write down their own personal instructions for a small performance
          <when they are done each participant places their paper into a hat (the papers should be anonymous, brief, and to the point)
          <each participant picks a paper out of the hat and performs for about three minutes (the instructor should have a stopwatch so as to signal when the time is up)
          <if the participant feels uncomfortable performing any tasks they are allowed to interpret it how they please or skip over the task (nothing should be forced)

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Impersonating Your Favorite Subculture in the City

History and Objectives
          <performers should come to realize that identities can be reshaped and altered
          <choose any subculture you find interesting and find a costume to match said subculture
          <go about your day as you normally would whilst staying in the costume
          <keep a written or visual documentation of your day

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Important Suggestions
          <always be cautious
          <if you ever feel uncomfortable then stop what you are doing and choose something else
          <the first time this is done you should be in a group or even a pair

By: Samantha Lassiter

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