Thursday, January 8, 2015

What is Drawing?

     Drawing is a very difficult terms to define as many things can be defined as drawing. Making marks on a paper is considered a drawing and the most contemporary definition for drawing is a selected theme improved on over time through a single medium. Drawing as every child knows is a very simple idea that dates back to the dawn of human origins. As humans evolved we are natural accustomed to articulating and making picture with our hands. In a sense a drawing is the most basic form of writing and was the first invention used to convey ideas through a single medium. Many eastern languages such as calligraphy can be credited to the basis of simple drawings that advance towards a single organization of words and letters known as calligraphy. Surprising drawing has lost its fervor in adulthood as doodling and this type of art is not widely accepted as a fished product. Drawing on its own is a means to an end product such as the drawn blueprints to a house. Today many themes have advanced drawing as modernism and photography have taken to the limitless kind of ability this medium has to offer. to explain, drawing on piece of paper although limited to the paper the drawing itself can be represented in limitless ways and perspectives. In this way the artist is not bound by physical dimensions but rather whichever the artist has set in the drawing subject matter. Although in the past many drawings were limited to religious doctrines in the west and language builders in the east today drawing has taken big strides in its complexity as computers and technology have given the ability to merge drawing and other styles, experimenting in forms such as surrealism has lead to many new uses for drawing as a basic cornerstone. as time goes on we can continue to see drawing grow as a very abstract way proliferating ideas in all art styles.
art source:
by: Robert Lopez II

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