Thursday, January 22, 2015

Performance Art: From Futurism to Present; pages 228-249

Critical Content
          <culture and current events reflected the art of the time
          <9/11 brought about an emotional and heart wrenching time of art work

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Radical action in China
          <in China, the people were affected by the Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing (1989)
          <this affected the art drastically and artists began to try and capture the emotion of this event through video and photography
          <art work began to tell stories of anguish and pain, they showed the determination of the artists themselves
          <change from communism to capitalism became a focus for in China and seen by the whole art world
Archives and performance
          <politically troubled and war torn environments, such as Mexico, Poland, Africa, etc., began using performance and video to capture the emotion and pain of daily life there

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Political allegories
          <political consciousness is an important part of individual character in the art world
          <paying attention to the politics of ones country leads to inspiration and connection with certain people
          <it gives the artist an idea of what their art should say based on their daily life in different countries
          <this leads to a deep connection to community and place
Body as instrument of communication
          <the body is especially important for communication in South Africa
          <this refers to performance art by visual artists
Social space
          <French art in the mid-1990s stemmed from politics
          <the art of French artists explore space and the viewer's role in it
          <the audience was viewed as a material to be used in the artistic process
          <the French artists also had a special relationship in using film to measure everyday reality and the world of imagination

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Post-conceptual art
          <post-conceptual wave focuses on art practice itself where the work is both a question as well as a demonstration
Audience responsibility
          <Tino Sehgal believe the audience should participate in the art work as well by making a choice of what they will and will not pay attention to while looking at a piece of art work and within its spaces
          <other artists help the audience by giving lectures or speeches about their work to the audience and telling them exactly what they should look at
          <art is about making decisions by both the artist and the viewers

Conversations with artists
          <in speaking with artists one learns what drives them and what they expect out of the experience of each of their viewers
          <it is also learned that artists within the same sort of living style or culture tend to have similar means of why they make art or what they hope to achieve by doing so
          <artists tend to strive more towards a sense of community with their art rather than individuality

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Performance into the twenty-first century
          <today performance history as well as what it means now can be seen through the access of the internet
Taking centre stage
          <there are many more artists and performers today than there had been in the past
          <the main focus of art today tends to reflects the "fast-paced sensibility of the communication industry" 

BY: Samantha Lassiter

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